Monday, May 4, 2015

going to Christchurch

This Friday I am going to Christchurch to see my family. I am really excited every time we go there we get a present from them.There is a cool playground with rings and I wonder if I can  still do them. I will miss all my friends and rest of my family. We are staying at  a cabin at the top 10 Holiday park number 16.

Monday, April 20, 2015

in the holidays

In the holidays I went on the hydroslide.  I was too scared to go by myself. So I went with my Dad.  On about the six Th one I found a sign that said how to ride a said not to group together so my Dad said how about you go by your self. I said okay and I was fine when I fell in the water I raced over to my Dad and said that it was the funest thing in the world. I went another three times by myself then our half an hour was up. So we went home to look after my Mum because she was sick. In the morning we just stayed home. I went on the tablet for half an hour then I went in the shower and  got ready for bed. the next day we had School so I got ready and when I was ready   me and my sister  watched Tv Then we

Monday, March 30, 2015

pj day

on Friday the 28 Th of march we had a pj day for purple cake day we had to bring a gold coin donation.My dad made me bring my jresing gown as a jersey over my summer onezie it got hot.
People that were not in my syndicate cepet on asking me why i was wearing pj's i just said that it was
pj day in my syndicae.

Monday, March 16, 2015

all about me

hi my name is Izzy i am 7 years old  i like cookies, chocolate cake, climbing, swimming,animals and
my friends. i live with my mum,dad and sister i have two ducks two bunny's  six tadpoles and a cat. 
i also like to do jobs. i like to play with my pets