Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Just one drop.

This is phoenix and niamh doing there paper boat without me they say it was the best in the class. I don't believe them.I only got to do  one staple that got taken out on are real boat phoenix and niamh did the rest. This is someone elses boat.
It fit a lot of things in it without it sinking or falling on to its side. I really like making the boats.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wig Wendesday

               On Wednesday we had to ware a wig or have crazy hair for wig Wednesday  the student council orginesd it. me and phoenix are part of the student council. for wig Wednesday you can wear a wig or crazy hair. I wore  crazy hair my crazy hair was an upside down plat. I took it out because it got to itchy you had to bring a gold coin donation all the money went to the cancer foundation. someone in are school had a rare cancer when he was 18 mothes old and every engection and operation he did he got over 10000 beads now he has only just finshed and hes 5 years old.